
The Town of Madison is the county seat and commercial center. It is near the center of the county, near the intersections of the three major highways service the area – U.S. Route 29, State Route 230, and State Route 231. There are about 300 residents in the town whose north-south boundaries parallel Main Street.

The Town of Madison is governed by Mayor Jennifer Campbell and a four-person town council comprised of Deborah Byram, Charles Carter, Nancy Knighting, and Kimberly Pumphrey. The town office is located at 23 Washington Circle in the Peterson Building and also houses the Division of Motor Vehicles office. The town Council meets at that office, 540-948-3202, on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm. The town Planning Commission meets the third Wednesday of each month at 6:00 pm. The town Project Management Team meets on the third Thursday of each month at 5:30 pm. The town Board of Zoning Appeals meets annually.

Town of Madison Contact Information

Madison Town Office: 540-948-3202, (Fax) 540-948-5994

Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm (excluding state holidays)

Cheryl YowellTown Administrator, Town Clerk, Zoning Administrator, and Treasurer Email

Madison Town Council:

Jennifer CampbellMayor 540-718-4679 Email

Deborah ByramCouncilwoman 540-407-7106 Email

Charles A. Carter, Sr., Councilman 540-948-4071 Email

Nancy Knighting, Councilwoman 540-948-7031 Email

Kimberly PumphreyCouncilwoman 540-219-6367 Email

Madison Town Planning Commission:

Shannon Johnston, Chair 540-948-4711 Email

William M. Pattie, Vice-Chair 540-718-1008 Email

Alma Lu Ayers, Commissioner 540-948-6532 Email

Dustyn Hickman, Commissioner 540-718-8185 Email

Kimberly Pumphrey, Commissioner 540-219-6367 Email

Madison Town Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA):

Zane Byram, Chair 540-219-6367 Email

Shannon Johnston, Vice-Chair 540-948-4711 Email

Jesse M. Bannister, Member 540-295-7864 Email

Stephen Chambers, Member 571-244-6600 Email

Jane Lamar, Member 540-948-6717 Email


The inclement weather policy follows Madison County.


The following are observed Holidays for 2025:

  • January 1 (Wednesday) - New Year's Day

  • January 20 (Monday) - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

  • February 17 (Monday) - George Washington Day

  • May 26 (Monday) - Memorial Day

  • June 19 (Thursday) - Juneteenth

  • July 4 (Friday) - Independence Day

  • September 1 (Monday) - Labor Day

  • October 13 (Monday) - Columbus Day & Yorktown Victory Day

  • November 4 (Tuesday) - Election Day

  • November 11 (Tuesday) - Veterans Day

  • November 26 (Wednesday) - Day Before Thanksgiving (close at noon)

  • November 27 (Thursday) - Thanksgiving

  • November 28 (Friday) - Day After Thanksgiving

  • December 24 (Wednesday) - Day Before Christmas (close at noon)

  • December 25 (Thursday) - Christmas

  • December 26 (Friday) - Day After Christmas